Notable Runs
A run I did in 2021. Its story was of a conflict between Pokemon being chained to pokeballs or able to exist alongside trainers without them. As Generation 2 lacks natures and characteristics, I randomly generated them for each member of the team to add some personality. (However, when I sent them to Pokemon Bank to rescue them before resetting my file, I didn't realize they would receive actual natures and characteristics, so I have included them as well for fun.) I ended up getting tired of the run before truly finalizing things like Kano's species and my team's movesets, and we never beat Red, but it's still the first time I carried through something like this, and this team remains special to me.
Cinder - Typhlosion ♂ - Lv 77 Moves: Flamethrower, Strength, ThunderPunch, Earthquake Story: Relaxed, alert to sounds Actual: Careful, mischievous |
Bliss - Togetic ♂ - Lv 35 Moves: Metronome, Charm, Rock Smash, Sweet Kiss Story: Mild, impetuous and silly Actual: Adamant, likes to thrash about |
Creme - Wigglytuff ♀ - Lv 39 Moves: Dizzy Punch, Body Slam, Sing, DoubleSlap Story: Timid, nods off a lot Actual: Serious, alert to sounds |
Kenya - Fearow ♂ - Lv 32 Moves: Peck, Fury Attack, Pursuit, Fly Story: Lax, somewhat vain Actual: Modest, likes to thrash about |
Kano - Eevee ♀ - Lv 22 Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Growl Story: Lonely, takes plenty of naps Actual: Lonely, likes to thrash about |
Shuckie - Shuckle ♂ - Lv 15 Moves: Constrict, Flash, Strength, Encore Story: Sassy, capable of taking hits Actual: Timid, alert to sounds |
Ceramic - Dragonite ♀ - Lv 55 Moves: Waterfall, Surf, Fly, ExtremeSpeed Story: Docile, proud of its power Actual: Hardy, somewhat vain |
V - Hitmonchan ♂ - Lv 20 Moves: Tackle Story: Rash, somewhat of a clown Actual: Quirky, likes to thrash about |
In-progress. Working on the 0 badges section. All the Pokemon in this run are named after things from Rakuen Hakai. The OT is Bel, named after Bel Kaneiki. Pokemon are named as I catch them, so their genders and natures might not match what they're named after.
0 Badges | |||
Cai, Male, Mild Nature Named after the character Cai Kaneiki |
Fan, Male, Gentle Nature Named after the Fan enemy |
Stray, Male, Jolly Nature Named after the Stray Idol enemy |
Aoi, Female, Rash Nature Named after the character Aoi |
Guard, Female, Jolly Nature Named after the Security Guard enemy |
Mimimi, Female, Quiet Nature Named after the character Mimimi Aishima |
Captain, Male, Calm Nature Named after the character Captain |
Penlight, Male, Gentle Nature Named after the Penlight item |