
I first got into Pokemon when I was in elementary school, and it has been an interest ever since. My first exposure to it was my friend showing me Emerald on their GBA SP, and I was enchanted by the world and all the creature in it. Maybe because of that exposure, Hoenn is still my favorite region, even if Crystal has overtaken Emerald as my favorite Pokemon game. I kept up with most Pokemon game releases until Generation 7, when I fell out of love with the direction that Pokemon games were going. I hadn't gotten a new Pokemon game until Legends: Arceus released in 2022, and it, alongside my growing love for Generation 2, brought me back into Pokemon after many years. I'm ultimately glad that it did, because it's noticeable to me how much happier I am when I'm able to bring Pokemon into my life, and my Pokewalker comes with me wherever I go.

main pokemon team favorite pokemon

Notable Runs

Crystal: Gift Pokemon Only

A run I did in 2021. Its story was of a conflict between Pokemon being chained to pokeballs or able to exist alongside trainers without them. As Generation 2 lacks natures and characteristics, I randomly generated them for each member of the team to add some personality. (However, when I sent them to Pokemon Bank to rescue them before resetting my file, I didn't realize they would receive actual natures and characteristics, so I have included them as well for fun.) I ended up getting tired of the run before truly finalizing things like Kano's species and my team's movesets, and we never beat Red, but it's still the first time I carried through something like this, and this team remains special to me.

Cinder - Typhlosion ♂ - Lv 77
Moves: Flamethrower, Strength,
ThunderPunch, Earthquake
Story: Relaxed, alert to sounds
Actual: Careful, mischievous
Bliss - Togetic ♂ - Lv 35
Moves: Metronome, Charm,
Rock Smash, Sweet Kiss
Story: Mild, impetuous and silly
Actual: Adamant, likes to thrash about
Creme - Wigglytuff ♀ - Lv 39
Moves: Dizzy Punch, Body Slam,
Sing, DoubleSlap
Story: Timid, nods off a lot
Actual: Serious, alert to sounds
Kenya - Fearow ♂ - Lv 32
Moves: Peck, Fury Attack,
Pursuit, Fly
Story: Lax, somewhat vain
Actual: Modest, likes to thrash about
Kano - Eevee ♀ - Lv 22
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip,
Sand Attack, Growl
Story: Lonely, takes plenty of naps
Actual: Lonely, likes to thrash about
Shuckie - Shuckle ♂ - Lv 15
Moves: Constrict, Flash,
Strength, Encore
Story: Sassy, capable of taking hits
Actual: Timid, alert to sounds
Ceramic - Dragonite ♀ - Lv 55
Moves: Waterfall, Surf,
Fly, ExtremeSpeed
Story: Docile, proud of its power
Actual: Hardy, somewhat vain
V - Hitmonchan ♂ - Lv 20
Moves: Tackle
Story: Rash, somewhat of a clown
Actual: Quirky, likes to thrash about

FireRed: Rakuhaka-based Professor Oak Challenge

In-progress. Working on the 0 badges section. All the Pokemon in this run are named after things from Rakuen Hakai. The OT is Bel, named after Bel Kaneiki. Pokemon are named as I catch them, so their genders and natures might not match what they're named after.

0 Badges

Cai, Male, Mild Nature
Named after the character
Cai Kaneiki

Fan, Male, Gentle Nature
Named after the Fan enemy

Stray, Male, Jolly Nature
Named after the Stray Idol enemy

Aoi, Female, Rash Nature
Named after the character Aoi

Guard, Female, Jolly Nature
Named after the Security Guard enemy

Mimimi, Female, Quiet Nature
Named after the character Mimimi Aishima

Captain, Male, Calm Nature
Named after the character Captain

Penlight, Male, Gentle Nature
Named after the Penlight item