Rakuen Hakai Playlists

Cai Kaneiki
1. Vulture Culture (Fangclub)
"Gemini and a broken brother. We live and die, my friend."
2. Angel 92 | エンゼル92 (MARETU / Miku)
"I hold a Beretta 92 and a baby’s eye in my left hand."
3. Sorry I’m Not God | 神様じゃなくてごめんね (Aliey:S / Miku)
"Ah, I told everyone I’d choose you over the world, but I only have two arms."
4. Destruction | 破壊 (Meguri Meguru / Miku)
"I can't forget it, that wish: I want to fulfill it, I want to listen, I want to convey, I want to tell, I want to create it anew, all for you."
5. Lucifer | ルシファー (re1 / Miku)
"Even though there is no God, the angel took off his wings, to stake them on one last bet, and lost them for good."

Bel Kaneiki
1. The Night Before You Disappeared | 失踪前夜 (Kashii Moimi / Teto)
"I mistook you, who I thought I’d never see again after you disappeared beneath that pounding rain, for a god."
2. God of Mine | ぼくのかみさま (Hanyuu Maigo / Flower)
"I must go now, dear God of mine, I have loved you very much. This me that cannot become an adult, I, I will go and meet you again."

Mimimi Aishima
1. Rule #5 - James Picard (Fish in a Birdcage)
"I'm aware of the madness that has stained our air, so I paint all the darkness and the worlds we must face."
2. Abnormality Dancin' Girl | アブノーマリティ・ダンシンガール (Guchiry / Flower)
"Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly. I’ll show off everything as it is."
3. Copycat | コピイキャット (LonePi / Yuki)
"Rinse my mouth with a sense of justice, fill up my stomach with superficial pity, and put a stopper into your windpipe."
4. I know Love Brain. | I know 愛脳. (Yoshida Yasei / Miku)
"Are you looking for 'the strongest', despite them being an underdog?"

1. Waltz of Malice | うらみのワルツ (Kikuo / Miku)
“I shall nurse my grudge towards you, towards you whom I once loved.”

1. Come Along (Cosmo Sheldrake)
"We'll go to a place that is safe from greed, anger and boredom."
2. Creature | 獣 (Woril / Miku)
"My transformed self is terror incarnate. I don’t distinguish between them? That’s just a given. They’re all enemies to me."

1. Orthodoxia | オルソドクシア (Guchiry / Len & Una)
"I covet people’s lives, devouring everything they have. I’ve been living by trampling on the misfortune of others."
2. Afterlife | 幽世 (Meguri Meguru / Miku)
"I’ll wait, I’ll wait right here, for the time we shared back then. How, just how, are you still breathing?"

Mysterious Fanboy
1. Alter Ego | オルターエゴ (Misumi / Miku)
"The day before death, I’ll take the proof of your existence, so similar to mine."
2. Children Who Have Nowhere to Go | 行き場をなくしたこどもたち (DenǂKujira / Aoi)
"Why is it that our rotten hearts in such miserable shapes end up inclined to have nothing but oh-so-beautiful dreams once again?"
3. Wonderful World | 素敵な世界 (Usagi 3 / Len)
"I want you to please, please be happy, too. Even if you forget me someday, I just want you to live a little longer."
4. Completion | 完成 (2022) (Meguri Meguru / Miku)
"I've made the choice to give up. It's so frustrating, because that's the right thing to do."
5. Prayer X (King Gnu)
"Hiding behind my carefree smile are the lies I tell to survive that I can no longer differentiate from the truth."
6. Taxy (Chinozo / KOMAINU.)
"Thanks to you, my life’s become a mess. If you didn’t meet me, didn’t meet me. I’m short on time."
7. Antique | アンティーク (wotaku / Lotou)
"If I were to have one certain belief, then it would not be in God's miracles."