Rakuen Hakai Playlists
Cai Kaneiki | |
1. Vulture Culture (Fangclub) "Gemini and a broken brother. We live and die, my friend." | |
2. Angel 92 | エンゼル92 (MARETU / Miku) "I hold a Beretta 92 and a baby’s eye in my left hand." | |
3. Sorry I’m Not God | 神様じゃなくてごめんね (Aliey:S / Miku) "Ah, I told everyone I’d choose you over the world, but I only have two arms." | |
4. Destruction | 破壊 (Meguri Meguru / Miku) "I can't forget it, that wish: I want to fulfill it, I want to listen, I want to convey, I want to tell, I want to create it anew, all for you." | |
5. Lucifer | ルシファー (re1 / Miku) "Even though there is no God, the angel took off his wings, to stake them on one last bet, and lost them for good." |
Bel Kaneiki | |
1. The Night Before You Disappeared | 失踪前夜 (Kashii Moimi / Teto) "I mistook you, who I thought I’d never see again after you disappeared beneath that pounding rain, for a god." | |
2. God of Mine | ぼくのかみさま (Hanyuu Maigo / Flower) "I must go now, dear God of mine, I have loved you very much. This me that cannot become an adult, I, I will go and meet you again." |
Mimimi Aishima | |
1. Rule #5 - James Picard (Fish in a Birdcage) "I'm aware of the madness that has stained our air, so I paint all the darkness and the worlds we must face." | |
2. Abnormality Dancin' Girl | アブノーマリティ・ダンシンガール (Guchiry / Flower) "Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly. I’ll show off everything as it is." | |
3. Copycat | コピイキャット (LonePi / Yuki) "Rinse my mouth with a sense of justice, fill up my stomach with superficial pity, and put a stopper into your windpipe." | |
4. I know Love Brain. | I know 愛脳. (Yoshida Yasei / Miku) "Are you looking for 'the strongest', despite them being an underdog?" |
Captain | |
1. Waltz of Malice | うらみのワルツ (Kikuo / Miku) “I shall nurse my grudge towards you, towards you whom I once loved.” |
Rimm | |
1. Come Along (Cosmo Sheldrake) "We'll go to a place that is safe from greed, anger and boredom." | |
2. Creature | 獣 (Woril / Miku) "My transformed self is terror incarnate. I don’t distinguish between them? That’s just a given. They’re all enemies to me." |
Temple | |
1. Orthodoxia | オルソドクシア (Guchiry / Len & Una) "I covet people’s lives, devouring everything they have. I’ve been living by trampling on the misfortune of others." | |
2. Afterlife | 幽世 (Meguri Meguru / Miku) "I’ll wait, I’ll wait right here, for the time we shared back then. How, just how, are you still breathing?" |
Mysterious Fanboy | |
1. Alter Ego | オルターエゴ (Misumi / Miku) "The day before death, I’ll take the proof of your existence, so similar to mine." | |
2. Children Who Have Nowhere to Go | 行き場をなくしたこどもたち (DenǂKujira / Aoi) "Why is it that our rotten hearts in such miserable shapes end up inclined to have nothing but oh-so-beautiful dreams once again?" | |
3. Wonderful World | 素敵な世界 (Usagi 3 / Len) "I want you to please, please be happy, too. Even if you forget me someday, I just want you to live a little longer." | |
4. Completion | 完成 (2022) (Meguri Meguru / Miku) "I've made the choice to give up. It's so frustrating, because that's the right thing to do." | |
5. Prayer X (King Gnu) "Hiding behind my carefree smile are the lies I tell to survive that I can no longer differentiate from the truth." | |
6. Taxy (Chinozo / KOMAINU.) "Thanks to you, my life’s become a mess. If you didn’t meet me, didn’t meet me. I’m short on time." | |
7. Antique | アンティーク (wotaku / Lotou) "If I were to have one certain belief, then it would not be in God's miracles." |