BirthdayApril 1st
Physical Description
Height5-10 cm?

A rude butterfly who's been aimlessly drifting through the worlds in Paradise. Seems like there’s a reason that he’s wandering around this world in particular, but what is it...?

An unnamed butterfly who joins Cai and Bel on their journey to escape Paradise. He has no memory of his past, and hopes to someday regain it.


Butterfly is typically quite loud, whiny, and foul-mouthed. He enjoys messing with people and dislikes being told what to do. If someone says something foolish, he just can’t help but fire back with his own complaints about how stupid it sounds. Regardless, he forms strong bonds with those who are kind to him; before, he would trick people for his own benefit with ease, believing it was the only way he could achieve what he wanted, but when he become more certain that he could put his trust in Cai, he becomes clingy and loyal, willing to risk his life to protect Cai and Bel.

Background + Story

Butterfly is a piece of God, built from the original Cai’s feet into a small, agile body for the purpose of observing the world, finding strong espers, and reporting back to Cai so he could Destroy them. God is able to possess him and speak through his mouth, so he acts as a mobile body for God to use long-distance. At some point, he loses his memory and ends up wandering around the World of Idols with only a brooch that looks like God’s world’s door to connect him to his past.

He teams up with a group of espers in order to steal performance tickets from the TV station roof. He wants those tickets in order to meet Mimimi, because he feels that she would know about his past. Those he teams up with run away and leave him behind after they are all defeated, though, which allows the ticket guardian to steal his brooch.

In his attempt to retrieve his brooch, he encounters Cai and Bel in the lobby, where the two save him from the guards there. He decides to team up with them since they look strong.

As they work together and solve puzzles throughout the station, Butterfly grows nervous; while they seem helpful enough, Butterfly has no reason to trust that they will help him. The espers he had teamed up with before had betrayed his trust, not only abandoning him but spreading rumors that he was the one who had run. And so, when the group finally obtains the card key to use the elevator to head to the roof, Butterfly snatches it and goes forward on his own.

He is easily defeated by the ticket guardian, and when Cai and Bel make it to the roof, Butterfly explains that he doesn’t have any memory of their past, and that the white brooch he had was his only clue to who he was. However, during his last visit to the roof, the brooch was taken by the ticket guardian. Upon hearing this, the ticket guardian smashes the brooch against the ground, breaking it. Though Butterfly is crushed at the sight, Cai promises to help him get his treasure fixed, and they defeat the guardian together. Butterfly apologizes for taking the card key and not trusting them, and continues with them on their journey.

After defeating Mimimi, the trio heads to the World of Siblings. Cai gets separated from them by the entry bar, and after narrowly avoiding being seen as enemies, Butterfly and Bel have to team up with Wil to get through the left side of the forest. During their break, Butterfly notices something and wanders off. When he returns, God possesses him to speak to Bel, but when the possession ends, Butterfly has no memory of his actions, only the vague feeling that he’d said something. He worries about Bel seeming unwell.

At the village, Butterfly accompanies Cai and Bel to save a child who was in trouble in the cave, and when they return, they stay at the local inn for the night.

During the night, Butterfly is kidnapped by Rimm and Wil to use as leverage against Cai and Bel, as the two had learned that the team was responsible for destroying Mimimi’s world. Though Butterfly protests that Cai and Bel don’t care about him enough to actually come save them, he continues to be kept in the inner room of the house until the two arrive.

In the World of Religion, Butterfly notices that Bel is doing badly and tries to talk to him about it multiple times, though Bel lashes out at him instead.

When the trio heads through the old church ruins together to get to the church for an ambush, they rest by a massive mural. Cai is curious about the mural, and Butterfly, possessed by God, tells the story of two godly brothers who fought, and one lost. When he returns to consciousness, he is confused about the myth they were apparently telling. God also possesses him to speak to Bel again, and when he returns, Bel looks upset. After worrying about his periodic gaps in memory and being confused about why he was next to Bel, he is yelled at and flies down the hallway to refrain from upsetting him more.


Cai Kaneiki

Butterfly and Cai have a friendly relationship. Cai appreciates that Butterfly serves as another companion for Bel aside from himself, and Butterfly appreciates Cai’s sense of duty and the kindness he showed to him. Butterfly expressed that it was Cai saying that he could make new memories, rather than only worrying about his lost ones, that saved him from his endless anxiety. Though Butterfly is always complaining that Cai makes their breaks too short, he still loyally follows him, even putting himself in harm’s way to protect Cai and Bel in the World of Religion.

Bel Kaneiki

Butterfly enjoys stirring Bel up and causing him to explode, often teasing him for his blind devotion towards his older brother. Despite this, Bel is important to Butterfly; when Bel starts growing anxious and feeling unwell, Butterfly tries to talk to him multiple times to try and calm him down, even when such attempts often end in Bel yelling at Butterfly. When Cai decides to not take Bel with them to fight Temple, Butterfly loudly protests, knowing how much it would hurt Bel, and he is determined to save Bel from the world he created later on. To Butterfly, no matter how much he can’t help but poke at his behavior, Bel is like family, a little brother he didn’t know he could have.


During the extra dungeon, Butterfly is often the one to cheer on and worry about Temple, who gets picked on by the others for his older appearance and nervous nature. His worry doesn’t stop him from sometimes teasing Temple himself, though, especially when it comes to making inappropriate references to intentionally fluster him.



CharacterTowards ButterflyTowards Them
Cai Kaneiki- Butterfly (蝶)- Cai (カイ)
Bel Kaneiki- Butterfly (蝶)- Bel-kun (ベル君)
- Bel (ベル)
Butterfly- Boku (僕)
Mimimi Aishima- Mimimi (ミミミ)
Captain- Captain (隊長)
Rimm- Butterfly (蝶)
Wil- Butterfly (ちょうちょ)- Wil (ヴィル)
Trainer- Gramps (おっさん)
- Temple-chan
(テンプルちゃん) [Once]
God- Observer (観測者)- God (神)
Mysterious Fanboy- Mysterious Fanboy (謎オタ)