BirthdayFebruary 24th
RelativesRimm (older
Physical Description
Height80 cm (2'7")
Weight34 kg (75 lbs)

Rimm’s younger brother. He stays by his brother’s side in the World of Siblings, playing with the other children who live there and helping them out if they need anything.


Wil tends to be cheerful and loves playing with others and showing them his mechanical achievements. He can be stubborn and pouty when others don’t see things the way he does or don’t have time to play with him.

Though he hides it from Rimm, he carries a lot of anguish about not being able to save his brother from the results of his torture, but he is rigidly loyal, refusing to part from him even when the decisions Rimm makes make Wil miserable.

Background + Story

Rimm and Wil lived peacefully together in a house in the forest with their parents until they were kidnapped and brought to a facility designed to train child soldiers and create espers. They were called “dogs” and were forced to murder people when ordered to; if they refused, they would be killed. Wil often shied away from it, starting to cry when ordered to hurt others or threatened, and Rimm would step in to take care of it instead. Though he managed to survive with Rimm, he would still burst into tears when he wanted to go home. When Rimm is caught comforting him, though, he is taken to be “disciplined,” and Wil wails. After Rimm awakens to his abilities and kills the adults in the facility, all the children are taken in by the police and sent to Paradise.

Wil is happy that he is able to peacefully live with his brother in the World of Siblings, but he mourns how Rimm is so harsh compared to how he used to be, and how cruelly he treats everyone he deems not to be a fellow sibling. Even though he knows his brother is probably beyond help, he still begs Cai and Bel to try and help him, showing them what happened to him.

When Cai kills Rimm, Wil is distraught, crying over his body. When the party returns to fight the world’s Core, Wil too is dead, his body still leaning on his brother’s.

In the bonus dungeon, Wil is brought alongside Rimm to the empty world. He runs to hug Bel, crying that he’s glad Rimm is alive. When it is time for the two to enter the warped version of the World of Siblings, Wil is concerned about Rimm, but the two go regardless.


Bel Kaneiki

Wil gets quickly attached to Bel during the time they spend in the forest together, always running up to him and asking him to play. As a fellow younger brother, Wil feels like Bel understands him, and it makes him happy to talk about their older brothers. Wil was hopeful that Bel and Cai, after seeing what happened to Rimm, could do something to save him, and was crushed when he realized that they couldn’t.



CharacterTowards WilTowards Them
Cai Kaneiki- Cai (カイ)
Bel Kaneiki- Wil (ヴィル)- Bel (ベル)
Butterfly- Wil (ヴィル)- Butterfly (ちょうちょ)
Rimm- Wil (ヴィル)- Nii-chan (兄ちゃん)
Wil- Boku (僕)
Temple- Wil-kun (ヴィル君)- Mister (おじちゃん)