Yuu Nogi
To-Be-Vanguard of EDEN
Table of Contents
  1. Overview
  2. DigiLine Messages
  3. Domination & Territory Conversations
  4. Digimon Information
    1. Attack Analysis
  5. Digimon Analysis


This page is dedicated to Yuu Nogi, a character from Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory. He is the protagonist Keisuke Amasawa's childhood friend and best friend prior to Keisuke joining the hacker association Hudie.

This page assumes that you already know the plot and reveals of the game; please be aware of spoilers!

What is Yuu like?

Yuu is generally mild; he speaks roughly in order to try and give himself a stronger image, using the personal pronoun ore, but he flusters extremely easily and tries not to pick fights. He finds it hard to say his true feelings, fearful of being made fun of or let down, so he tries to pass off his genuine thoughts and feelings as humor when he feels rejected. That said, even though he usually tries to stay cool, he panics when even Keisuke is in a bad mood, trying to use what he knows of his likes to cheer him up.

He likes reading; his favorite genre is science-fiction, and he often tries to recommend books for Keisuke to borrow and read (despite the latter's disinterest in reading and studying). He does know that Keisuke prefers manga to his science-fiction, but he tries to share his interest regardless. He can also bake; one item within the game is a chocolate cake that Yuu bakes for Keisuke. He and Keisuke DigiLine (text) each other fairly frequently, usually about whatever things that are on their minds; Yuu will sometimes ask Keisuke random questions, and he takes this in stride.

As K, his personal pronoun is watashi, but as he gets more emotional, he slips up and returns to his usual ore.

Why does Keisuke matter to him?

Yuu has always been bullied at school for seeming feminine and weak to others. Even in-game, he is mistaken as a girl multiple times, as well as cornered in an alley by some boys from their school. He is heavily distrustful of others, always assuming that they secretly hate or pity him. But apart from all those who have bullied him over the years stands Keisuke, the only one who ever stood up for Yuu and stays by his side.

Similarly, Keisuke is said to have a very plain face that makes him not stand out or be recognizable by others. He has been mocked for this as well, and, before Hudie, only stuck with Yuu, who didn't tease him for it. This made it so that until the game story, which takes place when Keisuke and Yuu are 16, the only friends they had were each other, and when Keisuke begins to make other friends, Yuu doesn't take it well at all, feeling replaced and forgotten.

This deep attachment and insecurity regarding their relationship is what spurs most of the events of Yuu's part of the plot, with his feelings being taken advantage of by Matadormon and being made to feel even more unneeded.

Appearances (WIP)

DigiLine Messages

I find the messages between Keisuke and Yuu on DigiLine humorous, and wish to share them here. Unfortunately, most are concentrated in the early parts of the game, as Yuu ceases to contact Keisuke following the K incident.

Note: Some of the wording in the recorded DigiLines is modified, but none of the meanings are; the localization simply didn't put effort into making the actual sentences coherent sometimes, unfortunately.

Yuu: What would you do if you found yourself one day on an animal planet? Adapt?
Response 1:
Keisuke: It would be impossible. I would try to come back to Earth.
Yuu: The same as the protagonist in this book I read yesterday. I'll loan it to you.
Response 2:
Keisuke: I like animals! Should be easy.
Yuu: Make everything yourself? And carnivores might attack? That's so like you...
Response 3:
Keisuke: What's this? Some psych test?
Yuu: [unknown]
Yuu: Saw some classmates at the arcade before. But then I went to K-Cafe when I got to Nakano!
Response 1:
Keisuke: But it's fun at the arcade, too.
Yuu: I like to watch people play. I'll go with you if you go.
Response 2:
Keisuke: You're already a regular at K-Cafe, Yuu.
Yuu: I've tried everything. I'm a regular. And I try something new every now and then, too.
Yuu: Some old guy grabbed me outside K-Cafe. Wanted to buy Digimon Medals.
Response 1:
Keisuke: There are some weirdos out there.
Yuu: Lots of collectors in Nakano. Medals are boring, but bring them to Nakano.
Response 2:
Keisuke: You might make some spare change if someone buys them at a good price.
Yuu: They'll pay big for rare medals. Easy money, right?
Yuu: I found my grade school photo album. I wanted to be an astronaut!
Response 1:
Keisuke: That's so very like you, Yuu...
Yuu: You said that ages ago, too. Remember? You said you'd come with me, right?
Response 2:
Keisuke: An old class album? That takes me back.
Yuu: Looks like they found a time capsule. So many baby pics. Check it out.
Response 3:
Keisuke: I wanted to be a hacker?
Yuu: [unknown]
Yuu: Hey, leaving me in EDEN? After I helped you? That's mean... You forgot me?
Response 1:
Keisuke: I'll make it up to you next time we meet!
Yuu: You said it! What shall I have? Let me leave it to you! I'll be waiting!
Response 2:
Keisuke: I'm sorry, I forgot...
Yuu: [unknown]
Response 3:
Keisuke: Couldn't explain after becoming Poyomon.
Yuu: I won't listen to your Poyomon excuses. But you thought I'd say to give up? That's on you then!
Yuu: Nothing but Kamishiro in the news. It better not affect EDEN operations.

Domination & Territory Conversations

Yuu's Digimon are detailed below, but Domination Battles allow for you to take a helper along, and Yuu is an option. These parterships come with lines before and after, with a choice of three options like some DigiLine messages.

Single Lines
You're inviting me!? Thanks! Of course I'll help!
Territory Start So the goal's to beat the enemy leader, but taking control of the emblems definitely gives you an edge. Awaiting orders, Keisuke!
End, Trust 1 I'm glad I could tag along with you. Feel free to invite me again.
End, Trust 2 I think I understand you a little better every time we spend time together. It feels good.

Conversation 1
Yuu: By the way, there was a weird customer at K-Cafe.
It's not that I was eavesdropping, but I overheard what he said.
You know there's a waitress named Sacchan at K-Cafe, right? That customer was hitting on her pretty hard. How do you think she handled it?
She said "I'm not on the menu!" and told him to back off. Pretty awesome, right!?
Then he mistook me for a woman and started hitting on me. It wasn't easy to get rid of him.
Response 1:
Keisuke: How rude.
Yuu: Right! He's the one who made the mistake.
Response 2:
Keisuke: Don't let it bother you.
Yuu: People have always said I look like a girl. I'm used to it. Not that I like it.
...Thanks, Keisuke.
Response 3:
Keisuke: If I was there, I would've gotten rid of him.
Yuu: Haha, thanks. But I shouldn't rely on you too much.
Yuu: In the end, Sacchan told him to get out and he left.
I think I need to be more like her.
I don't know why I just told you all that. Sorry. Here, take this. It's not an apology. I've just got more than I need.
I'm gonna head home. See ya.

Conversation 2
Yuu: Good work! You're unbeatable!
I know I'm pretty weak, but I feel much stronger when I team up with you. It's strange.
Hey, are you listening? You're looking distant.
Do you have a fever or something?
You shouldn't be here if you're feeling under the weather. Go home and get some rest.
Response 1:
Keisuke: No, I just spaced out for a second.
Yuu: You looked pretty out of it for a moment there. I was worried you weren't feeling well.
You may not be sick, but you must be a little tired?
Hudie's had a lot of work to do lately, right? I know you're busy, but you should still find time to rest.
And I'm happy to help out whenever you need me to. You know you can call me anytime?
I'm going to log out now, but make sure you go home and take it easy.
Response 2:
Keisuke: You don't need to worry.
Yuu: [unknown]
Response 3:
Keisuke: I haven't been feeling well all day.
Yuu: [unknown]

Misc. Conversations

Short section to finish off the conversations that just details the possible responses stemming from different options, since you can only see one per playthrough. I left out the response options that don't affect the subsequent lines.

Chapter 1?
Response 1:
Keisuke: Not all hackers are bad.
Yuu: ...Hmm. Well, if you say so, I'll believe you. Still, keep your guard up.
Response 2:
Keisuke: You really were worried about me, weren't you?
Yuu: [unknown]
Response 1:
Keisuke: I think I'll find him if I stay in Hudie.
Yuu: [unknown]
Response 2:
Keisuke: I can get more information from K.
Yuu: K... You mean the hacker who told you about Shiga, right? He hasn't contacted you since then, has he?
I don't know what he's after... but hopefully you'll hear from him again.
Although something rubs me the wrong way about having to wait for such a sketchy person to contact you with info on the criminal...
Response 3:
Keisuke: Seeing your face cheered me up.
Yuu: [unknown]
Chapter 7
Response 1:
Keisuke: Are you sure I'm the right choice?
Yuu: What are you talking about? You're the only choice!
I mean... there's no one else I can ask.
Response 2:
Keisuke: Wouldn't it be better to ask a girl?
Yuu: A girl? What are you talking about!?
There's no way I could invite a girl! I don't know any!
Response 1:
Keisuke: It's a case. I guess I don't have a choice.
Yuu: [unknown]
Response 2:
Keisuke: I'll play the boyfriend!
Yuu: [unknown]
Response 3:
Keisuke: Okay! Let's get started!
Yuu: That's the spirit! You'll be great!

Digimon Information

During Domination Battles and Territory Capture missions, Yuu's team can battle alongside you if you take him with you. He is happy to be of use to Keisuke, saying "If it's us, we can do anything!" and "I'm so happy to be fighting by your side" during battles.

In Territory Capture missions specifically, the Digimon accompanying him is Gekomon/Whamon/MarineAngemon; this makes it believed that MarineAngemon is his partner, since it was chosen above the other two he is shown to have.

Yuu is unavailable to invite in chapters 14-18.

Chapter 6

Gazimon - Lv 25 - Dark Type - Virus Attribute

  • Electric Stun Blast (Electric physical attack, 65 power, has a 15% chance to inflict paralysis, costs 5 SP)
  • Destruction Cannon I (Dark physical attack, 65 power, costs 3 SP)
  • Panic Wisp (Fire magic attack, 30 power, has a 70% chance to hit and inflict confusion, costs 10 SP)
  • Guard Break (Support move, lowers an enemy's defense by 10%, costs 6 SP)
  • Destruction (Dark physical attack, 40 power, has a 10% chance to cause instant death, costs 10 SP)
Gekomon - Lv 25 - Water Type - Virus Attribute

  • Symphony Crusher (Neutral attack, medium damage, ignores enemy intelligence, costs 20 SP)
  • Hydro Water II (Water magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Attack Break (Support move, lowers an enemy's attack by 10%, costs 6 SP)
  • Idle Bubble (Water magic attack, 30 power, has a 70% chance to hit and inflict sleep, costs 10 SP)
Wizardmon - Lv 25 - Dark Type - Data Attribute

  • Thunder Cloud (Electric magic attack, 75 power, has a 10% chance to inflict paralysis, costs 10 SP)
  • Hell Crusher II (Dark magic attack, 35 power, hits all enemies, costs 7 SP)
  • Burst Flame II (Fire magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Grand Rock II (Earth magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Nightmare II (Dark magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Mental Charge (Support move, increases an ally's intelligence by 10%, costs 6 SP)

Chapter 13

Garurumon (Black) - Lv 35 - Fire Type - Virus Attribute

  • Freeze Fang (Water physical attack, 85 power, 10% chance to raise speed by 10%, costs 10 SP)
  • Comet Hammer II (Earth physical attack, 85 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Awesome Quake II (Earth physical attack, 45 power, hits all enemies, costs 7 SP)
  • Shock (Earth physical attack, 40 power, 70% chance to hit and stun, costs 10 SP)
  • Speed Charge (Support move, increases an ally's speed by 10%, costs 6 SP)
Whamon - Lv 30 - Water Type - Vaccine Attribute

  • Tidal Wave (Water magic attack, 75 power, hits all enemies, costs 15 SP)
  • Hydro Water II (Water magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Ocean Wave II (Water magic attack, 35 power, hits all enemies, costs 7 SP)
  • Aura (Support move, heals a little health, affects all allies, costs 10 SP)
  • Restore (Support move, removes all status effects, affects all allies, costs 25 SP)
Whamon can still use Idle Bubble during Territory Capture missions in this chapter.
Wizardmon - Lv 45 - Dark Type - Data Attribute

  • Thunder Cloud (Electric magic attack, 75 power, 10% chance to inflict paralysis, costs 10 SP)
  • Hell Crusher II (Dark magic attack, 35 power, hits all enemies, costs 7 SP)
  • Burst Flame II (Fire magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Grand Rock II (Earth magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Nightmare II (Dark magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Mental Charge (Support move, increases an ally's intelligence by 10%, costs 6 SP)

Post-Game: Master Cup

Pandamon - Earth Type - Data Attribute

  • Animal Nail (Earth physical attack, 115 power, costs 15 SP)
  • Mach Rush III (Neutral physical attack, 80 power, hits all enemies, costs 10 SP)
  • Heavy Strike III (Neutral physical attack, 110 power, costs 9 SP)
  • X-Aura (Support move, restores health, affects all allies, costs 25 SP)
  • Guard Charge Field (Support move, increases defense of all allies by 10%, costs 20 SP)
  • Mental Charge Field (Support move, increases intelligence of all allies by 10%, costs 20 SP)
MarineAngemon - Water Type - Vaccine Attribute

  • Ocean Love (Support move, restores health, removes all status effects, affects all allies, costs 20 SP)
  • Ocean Wave III (Water magic attack, 65 power, hits all enemies, costs 10 SP)
  • Idle Bubble (Water magic attack, 30 power, 70% chance to hit and inflict sleep, costs 10 SP)
  • Status Barrier (Support move, makes one ally immune to status effects, costs 16 SP)
Phantomon - Dark Type - Virus Attribute

  • Soul Chopper (Dark magic attack, extra strong damage, ignores enemy INT, 10% instant death, costs 30 SP)
  • Hell Crusher III (Dark magic attack, 65 power, hits all enemies, costs 10 SP)
  • Destruction (Dark physical attack, 40 power, 10% chance to cause instant death, costs 10 SP)
  • Mental Charge Field (Support move, increases intelligence of all allies by 10%, costs 20 SP)

K's Digimon

The first fight against K is in Chapter 7, and the second is in Chapter 12. The fight against Matadormon is in Chapter 14. There are no other times you see his team.

Airdramon - Wind Type - Vaccine Attribute - Chapter 7

  • Spinning Needle (Wind physical attack, 45 power, hits all enemies, costs 10 SP)
  • Gale Storm I (Wind physical attack, 30 power, hits all enemies, costs 4 SP)
  • Sonic Void II (Wind magic attack, 75 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Wolkenapalm II (Fire physical attack, 85 power, costs 6 SP)
Chrysalimon - Dark Type - Free Attribute - Chapter 7

  • Data Crusher (Dark physical attack, 90 power, 5% chance to cause instant death, costs 10 SP)
  • Destruction Cannon II (Dark physical attack, 85 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Nanomachine Break II (Electric physical attack, 85 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Guard Break (Support move, lowers an enemy's defense by 10%, costs 6 SP)
Dorugamon - Earth Type - Data Attribute - Chapter 7

  • Power Metal (Neutral physical attack, 90 power, 30% chance to raise attack by 10%, costs 10 SP)
  • Comet Hammer II (Earth physical attack, 85 power, costs 6 SP)
  • Speed Charge (Support move, increases an ally's speed by 10%, costs 6 SP)
Raremon - Earth Type - Virus Attribute - Chapter 7

  • Sludge (Earth physical attack, 40 power, 10% chance to poison, hits all enemies, costs 10 SP)
  • Mach Rush I (Neutral physical attack, 35 power, hits all enemies, costs 4 SP)
  • Character Reversal (Neutral magic attack, 30 power, 70% chance to hit and inflict bugginess, costs 10 SP)
SkullSatamon - Dark Type - Virus Attribute - Chapter 12

  • Nail Bone (Neutral direct attack, 20% of HP damage, 50% chance to crystallize, costs 15 SP)
  • Hell Crusher III (Dark magic attack, 65 power, hits all enemies, costs 10 SP)
  • Nightmare III (Dark magic attack, 95 power, costs 9 SP)

Raremon is the only one of K's Digimon that evolves directly into SkullSatamon, so it's possible that his Raremon evolved rather than this being a separate individual.

SkullSatamon can't learn Hell Crusher III, but its evolutions GranDracmon/Creepymon can.

Matadormon - Dark Type - Virus Attribute - Chapter 14

  • Earth-Shattering Stomp (Dark physical attack, 30 power, hits 3-5 times, 20% HP absorption, costs 15 SP)
  • Nightmare III (Dark magic attack, 95 power, costs 9 SP)
  • Vampiric Cajolery (Inflicts panic, raises enemy attack and lowers defense and intelligence, hits all enemies)
  • Spirit Crash (HP absorption)
  • Having Fun? (Support move, increases own intelligence, lowers own defense)
  • I Won't Lose! (Support move, increases own attack)

Whether Matadormon can be considered "one of K's Digimon" is debatable, but I'm listing them for completeness.

Their last four attacks are exclusive to them and unable to be learned by other Digimon.

Attack Analysis

Not all the attacks his Digimon know are moves that are able to be learned by that Digimon. This is a hypothesis as to how his Digimon learned the attacks that they did, as Digimon typically grow stronger through repeated evolutions and devolutions into different forms. (Or, more accurately, it is an examination as to whether the moves his Digimon knows are legal.)

  • Gazimon cannot learn Guard Break and Destruction normally.
    • Gazimon -> Chrysalimon can learn Guard Break.
    • Gazimon -> Chrysalimon -> Infermon can learn Destruction.
  • Garurumon (Black) cannot learn Comet Hammer II, Awesome Quake II, and Shock normally.
    • Gazimon -> Dorugamon/Nanimon/Leomon can learn Comet Hammer II.
    • Gazimon -> Gaogamon -> WereGarurumon can learn Awesome Quake II.
    • Gazimon -> Nanimon can learn Shock.
  • Pandamon cannot learn Mach Rush III, Heavy Strike III, X-Aura, Guard Charge Field, and Mental Charge Field normally.
    • Pandamon -> KingEtemon can learn Mach Rush III.
    • Pandamon -> BanchoLeomon -> WereGarurumon (Black) -> Minervamon can learn Heavy Strike III.
    • Pandamon -> KingEtemon -> ShogunGekomon -> Plesiomon can learn X-Aura.
    • Garurumon (Black) -> Gabumon (Black) -> Raremon -> MetalGreymon -> BlackWarGreymon can learn Guard Charge Field.
    • Pandamon -> KingEtemon -> ShogunGekomon -> Vikemon can learn Mental Charge Field.
  • Gekomon cannot learn Idle Bubble normally.
    • Gekomon -> Otamamon/Shakomon/Betamon -> ShellNumemon can learn it.
  • Whamon cannot learn Ocean Wave II, Aura, and Restore normally.
    • Gekomon -> ShogunGekomon can learn Ocean Wave II.
    • Gekomon -> Otamamon/Shakomon/Betamon -> Pukamon -> Gomamon -> Frigimon can learn Aura.
    • Gekomon -> Otamamon/Shakomon/Betamon -> Pukamon -> Gomamon -> Frigimon -> Monzaemon -> Sakuyamon can learn Restore.
  • MarineAngemon cannot learn Ocean Wave III and Status Barrier normally.
    • Whamon -> Plesiomon can learn Ocean Wave III and Status Barrier.
  • Wizardmon cannot learn Hell Crusher II, Burst Flame II, Grand Rock II, and Mental Charge normally.
    • Wizardmon -> Wisemon can learn Hell Crusher II.
    • Wizardmon -> Keramon -> Tsumemon -> DemiDevimon -> Kyubimon can learn Burst Flame II and Mental Charge.
    • Wizardmon -> Impmon/Lopmon -> BlackGatomon can learn Grand Rock II.
  • Phantomon cannot learn Hell Crusher III, Destruction, and Mental Charge Field normally.
    • Phantomon -> VenomMyotismon can learn Hell Crusher III and Destruction.
    • Phantomon -> Titamon -> Cyberdramon -> Alphamon can learn Mental Charge Field.

Digimon Analysis

Yuu's Digimon follow the following lines canonically:
  • Gekomon -> Whamon -> MarineAngemon
  • Gazimon -> Garurumon (Black) -> Pandamon
  • Wizardmon -> Phantomon

This means that multiple stages of his Digimon are unknown. The following is an analysis of the canonical possibilities for his Digimon's full evolutionary lines, as well as my reasoning for why I personally lean towards a certain line being canon in my heart.

Note: I am excluding how Yuu has different Digimon entirely as K here because I am not sure how much to count those as Yuu's Digimon compared to the Digimon he fights with as himself, in his own avatar.


The possible canon evolutionary line for MarineAngemon is Poyomon -> Pukamon -> Otamamon/Shakomon/Betamon -> Gekomon -> Whamon -> MarineAngemon. This means that the line's rookie stage is the only unknown form.

My personal truth: Poyomon -> Pukamon -> Shakomon -> Gekomon -> Whamon -> MarineAngemon
(Neutral Free -> Water Free -> Water Virus -> Water Virus -> Water Vaccine -> Water Vaccine)

My reason for choosing Shakomon is that I feel that it resembles Yuu. Shakomon is described by the Digimon Reference Book as a cunning Digimon that looks deceptively cute, luring enemies in and then attacking them. Yuu, who has always struggled with being regarded as "too cute" to be a guy, is regarded as weak for this trait, but he isn't harmless; vindictive and sometimes mischievous, if he had a shell that could bite people, he would have long used it. Shakomon's shell is also partially pink; this also points to the accusations of being "feminine" that Yuu is often faced with.

Shakomon's shell, which is extremely tough and good at blocking attacks, is akin to the emotional shell that Yuu has built around himself; it doesn't protect him physically, as Shakomon's shell does, but he closes himself off to protect his emotions, often backtracking and proclaiming that his previous words were a joke when he opens up and it fails him.

A rookie form is an extremely important form in most Digimon media; while in Hacker's Memory, Digimon remain in whichever form they last evolved to, a rookie form is seen as a reflection of their partner in much of the non-game media. I feel that Yuu and Shakomon are a very good match!

Otamamon lacks the same cuteness aspect, and just didn't feel like as fitting of a form as Shakomon. While it can be argued that Otamamon is the more "canonic" prevolution of Gekomon, Yuu has shown that he doesn't care to follow the previously-shown-canonic evolutions by evolving Gekomon into Whamon instead of ShogunGekomon.

Also, Keisuke has a choice of having his partner be Betamon, Tentomon, or Gotsumon; if he chooses Betamon, and Yuu had a Shakomon, this would mean that the two of them would both have Water Virus partners (which, to be fair, Yuu would have had either way, since all of the rookies that evolve into Gekomon are Water Virus). At the same time, I felt that Yuu and Keisuke wouldn't have the same partner (because if considering symbolism in choosing a rookie form for someone, Keisuke and Yuu do not share the same narrative), so I didn't go with Betamon for him, but it would in fact be very cute as well if they matched, if lacking in the same symbolism that Shakomon has.


The possible canon evolutionary line for Pandamon is Kuramon -> Pagumon -> Gazimon -> Garurumon (Black) -> Pandamon -> KingEtemon/Justimon/BanchoLeomon. This means that the line's mega stage is the only unknown form.

My personal truth: Kuramon -> Pagumon -> Gazimon -> Garurumon (Black) -> Pandamon -> Justimon
(Neutral Free -> Dark Free -> Dark Virus -> Fire Virus -> Earth Data -> Light Vaccine)

My reasoning for choosing Justimon is that Yuu, as a child, wanted to be a hero. You'll notice that for most of the game, Yuu's Digimon are Dark type, or Virus attribute, or both; I feel that this reflects the inner darkness that he was feeling for most of the game. Justimon is like a reflection of Yuu's ideal hero; someone he thought he could never be, but desperately dreamed of being.

His dream changed into the idea of becoming a Vanguard who could unite hackers under one group, a group that he could lead, and have everyone's respect, but I feel that this was a corruption of his heroic aspirations as a child; his desire for respect stems from the constant disrespect and dismissal he feels he receives from everyone around him. Justimon, though, if it was Pandamon's mega form, would reflect a return to that heroic ideal—a healthier state than the one he had during his plot, and a brighter outlook towards his actions—and I feel that that makes it a good mega form for Pandamon to have.

I decided to go with Justimon above KingEtemon because it didn't quite feel like Yuu; KingEtemon is a very boastful Digimon that sees itself above others, and the superiority that Yuu fostered during the game seemed to me to be a coping mechanism formed to combat the constant belittlement and destruction of his self-esteem that others caused. To choose KingEtemon as Pandamon's mega form would show some level of a lack of growth, or lack of self-betterment; I feel that since Pandamon would have evolved to its mega form after the events of the game, canonically not during, that his growth would be reflected. It being a Virus attribute Digimon plays some part; I feel that it makes more sense for Yuu to have a Vaccine attribute Digimon here (though, fear not, I do not exclude all Viruses from this line-up, as you shall see later).

I chose Justimon above BanchoLeomon in order to focus more on Yuu's hero aspirations, with that connection to his childhood; BanchoLeomon was a very close choice, as I felt that it would be a good "show of strength" for Yuu, but I ended up choosing Justimon because of these Digimon's respective ideas of justice. For BanchoLeomon, "justice" is any idea that opposes it; it will eliminate anyone that stands in its path if it feels that they are trying to interfere with its justice. For Justimon, "justice" is the idea of punishment towards those who have committed evil towards others, or have tried to maliciously trick them. If we are to think about Yuu's original, uncorrupted ideals, I feel that Justimon reflects that better than BanchoLeomon does, even if both of them do fit him fairly well.


Phantomon has the trickiest of the possible evolutionary lines in that it can stem several ways:

  • Kuramon -> Pagumon -> Impmon -> Wizardmon -> Phantomon -> VenomMyotismon/Titamon/Barbamon
  • Kuramon -> Tsumemon -> Keramon -> Wizardmon -> Phantomon -> VenomMyotismon/Titamon/Barbamon
  • Kuramon -> Pagumon -> Lopmon -> Wizardmon -> Phantomon -> VenomMyotismon/Titamon/Barbamon

This means that the line's in-training, rookie, and mega forms are uncertain.

My personal truth: Kuramon -> Tsumemon -> Keramon -> Wizardmon -> Phantomon -> Titamon
(Neutral Free -> Dark Free -> Dark Free -> Dark Data -> Dark Virus -> Earth Virus)

I told you I wouldn't forget about the Viruses. Virus Digimon are not inherently evil, but they do tend to be more destructive. Titamon is a Digimon characterized by desire for revenge, born of the hatred of the Digimon defeated by the Olympus XII. It seeks them, eternally burning with hatred, and is able to summon an undead swarm to act as an army instead of just one Digimon. As mentioned before, Yuu can be vindictive; if one wrongs him, he won't forget it.

In the game, when he managed to materialize as K in the real world, it was pointed out in a Tumblr post that the two boys that he attacked were the same two who had cornered him in the alley. He specifically went after them to take revenge on them for hurting him, and I feel that his feelings of wanting those who hurt him to feel that same hurt makes him fit Titamon, even if it isn't the same focus on "healh and betterment" that I looked at in previous forms. And in the first place, when looking at the possible mega forms for this evolutionary line, there isn't a less violent option; all of them are known for aiming to hurt others.

While Titamon has its focus on revenge to connect to Yuu, the only thing with VenomMyotismon I could see as connecting to Yuu is the idea of "revealing one's true, ugly self", and even then, I feel like the theme of revenge is a bit stronger for Yuu. VenomMyotismon kills indiscriminately; Titamon is seeking out specific opponents who have wronged it, even though others end up as collatoral damage along the way. Yuu lashing out at Keisuke for "always being perfect" and "pitying him" was a reveal of his inner feelings that he despises, but when it comes to Yuu's desires, above his momentary actions, I feel that his desire for revenge is stronger than his "acceptance of parts of him he hates"; he doesn't so much accept it as finally break down.

Barbamon is even less like Yuu; Barbamon's focus is entirely on greed and obtaining treasure for itself, manipulating others for that end, and I feel like Titamon fits Yuu much more than that. Amusingly, according to the Digimon Reference Book, the Dark Area that Barbamon rules over is called a "den of demons", akin to K's "Demon's Den", but the greed and corruption that is central to Barbamon's narrative lacks a strong connection to Yuu's own story.

So why Keramon (and thus inherently Tsumemon) as opposed to Impmon or Lopmon? There are a few reasons, but the simplest one is that to have either of the other rookies would cause Yuu's Digimon, if they were all in in-training form, to be made up of a Pukamon and two Pagumon. It just makes more sense to me that he would have started with more unique Digimon (his two Kuramon, if his Digimon were in their fresh forms, aside), not trying to have multiple of one species, to give his party more variety.

I really wanted him to have a Lopmon at first! That idea is adorable! But it also probably plays too strongly into the idea of him being seen as cute and weak by others, and honestly, I think he'd hate having a Lopmon. That could create reason to evolve it into Wizardmon as soon as possible, but when it comes to the incorrect view and the double Pagumon result, I grudingly decided that Keramon would be better, especially because when it comes to stereotypical cuteness, he already has a MarineAngemon. And Impmon was the one I crossed out first; Yuu can be impish, but Impmon's pranks are more mean-spirited than I feel Yuu is typically like. Keramon, on the other hand, isn't mean-spirited or intentionally cruel; it is extremely destructive, but was made to eat data, and doesn't see it as a bad thing.

My Personal Truth, Visualized

This is just a space to put how Yuu's team would look, in my personal truth, at every stage! (I want to do full art of this eventually, but until then, just the sprites are here.)

Thank you for reading!
Please love Yuu, he deserves it.

Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025